are you an

Amazon seller?


Amazon seller account setup. Policies and regulation overview, tips & tricks about amazon seller account management. Free customer care and support during the whole account setup process.

Media contents for your Amazon listings: 3D render, Photorealistic render of your products, Header & banner for amazon store, Pictures & video, Html description with SEO friendly text and images, in compliance with Amazon regulament

We teach you how to create products listing with Professional SEO. Starting from studio competitors & keywords research. Learn how to:

  • Top keywords research and studio competitors
  • Title for your product (in compliance with amazon policies)
  • 5 bullets point with high rate conversion
  • Html product description with text
  • Strong Search Terms 


Boost your Amazon business sales with our expert Amazon advertising strategies. We will help your brand grow and bring in more profits with reduced Amazon advertising cost

contact us 

the recipe for good communication

Carbonara Agency London
8 Gainsborough Road, Forest Business Centre, London, E11 1HT, United Kingdom

Carbonara Agency London
8 Gainsborough Road, Forest Business Centre, London, E11 1HT, United Kingdom

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